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Ísafjörður in Winter

Ísafjörður the Beautiful

The Most Beautiful small towns of Europe
Tranquility in Árneshreppur

Best in Travel 2022 - The Westfjords

Lonely Planet crowns Westfjords as best region 2022

The Þingeyri Pool Club

In Iceland the social meeting point of every town is the local pool.


A little story of Westfjords Pleasantville, Suðureyri.

First local brewery in the Westfjords

Dokkan brugghús opened in Ísafjörður in June.

The Westfjords now EarthCheck Certified

The municipalities in the Westfjords of Iceland have since 2010 been working towards becoming an EarthCheck Certified region. For the last three years the region has received a bronze benchmarking recognition from EarthCheck.

The Northern Lights show up in the Westfjords

the Shooting of the Justice League in Djúpavík

Bestfjords blog

Want to read stories about the Westfjords of Iceland, the Bestfjords blog is the blog for you.

Get ready for the Northern Lights

Everyday we get closer to the time when the air gets crisp and the wonderful Northern Lights start dancing in the sky.

Events this summer

There is a selection of events in the Westfjords. Everyone should be able to find something to their liking.

The Bestfjords Project

A new blog about the Westfjords of Iceland has just been launched. Stay tuned for news, information and inspiration.