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Winter Photography Tours in the Westfjords

Photographing Iceland is a very popular activity. It's no wonder, considering the country's inherently picturesque landscapes. In the remote Westfjords, there are countless stunning areas for photography enthusiasts. In winter, the rough landscape, gently covered in a fresh layer of snow, carries a unique charm along the North Atlantic's edge. Navigating this austere beauty becomes a humbling yet inspiring journey for photographers capturing moments of stillness and tranquility. In the ever-changing weather a lively and dynamic environment unfolds. Navigating icy trails, photographers can capture the raw spirit of this remote Arctic realm, crafting a series of images that encapsulate the essence of winter in the Westfjords.
Hornstrandir, Westfjords of Iceland ©Chris König
Hornstrandir, Westfjords of Iceland ©Chris König

Hornstrandir,  a rugged peninsula located in the Westfjords region of Iceland offers an ideal canvas for photography enthusiasts. It is known for its stunning and untouched wilderness, offering some of the most breathtaking and pristine landscapes in the country. It is one of the most remote and least accessible areas in Iceland. It is not connected by road, and the only way to reach it is by boat. The lack of roads and human development has preserved its natural beauty, making it a haven for those seeking a truly wild and untouched environment. Hornstrandir is part of the Hornstrandir Nature Reserve, established to protect its unique ecosystems. For those seeking an immersive experience, booking a specialized photography tour could add an extra layer of depth to your journey. Borea Adventures based in Ísafjörður, offers Photography tours all year, geared towards professional photographers. There is no photography guide as such on the trip, but you will be accompanied by a knowledgeable guide, cook and caretaker for the house, to make sure everything runs smoothly and you can focus on your photography.

Workshop expedition to Hornstrandir

For photography enthusiasts in search of adventure, guided photo tours are available where participants receive guidance and advice from a professional photographer. Photographers, whether amateur or professional, might find The Arctic Fox in Winter Iceland  tour to be a captivating option.

Photographer Chris König leads this tour. He has been working as a photographer since 2015 with a focus on adventure, the outdoors, and human connection through a variety of photography projects at home and abroad. He combines his coaching skills with photography with organizing workshops and leading photo expeditions. The mission of the The Arctic Fox in Winter Iceland tour is to search for and capture the Arctic fox through the lenses. The Arctic fox is an iconic inhabitant of Iceland's Westfjords, displaying remarkable adaptations to the harsh Arctic environment. With its thick, white fur during winter and brown coat in summer, the fox seamlessly blends into the pristine landscape. The Westfjords provide a vital habitat for these resilient creatures, showcasing the delicate balance between wildlife and nature in this Arctic realm, where the Arctic fox is a symbol of adaptability in the face of extreme conditions.

The Arctic Fox in Winter Iceland Photography expedition to Hornstrandir is available in 2024. The duration of the tour is from March 12th – March 18th. With the tour starting and ending in the town of Ísafjörður.This expedition includes among other things, Photography and editing lessons, 4 nights at a basecamp in Hornstrandir, 2 nights in Ísafjörður, meals at basecamp and transportation to/from Ísafjörður airport. For further information regarding the itinerary of the expedition and booking go to

Photos ©Chris König