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Vatnsfjörður nature reserve is an area of total 20.000 ha. 80% of the area is rocky and barren but the lowlands is mostly covered with birchwood. From
Þingmannaá Waterfall

Þingmannaá Waterfall

The Þingmannaá river flows from the Þingmannadalur valley down to Vatnsfjörður fjord, featuring charming waterfalls within its canyons. Explorers can


 Hellulaug is a geothermal pool, located just off the highway, close to the beach in Vatnsfjörður. It is quite lovely to chill out in the pool (38°/10


Iceland owes its name to Hrafna-Flóki or Raven-Floki. After a long navigation from Norway, he took land in Vatnsfjörður fjord. As a navigational aid,
Hotel Flókalundur

Hotel Flókalundur

Hótel Flókalundur is a small family-run hotel in Vatnsfjörður, on the south coast of the Westfjords. The hotel was built in 1966 by the Local Region A

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Flókalaug Vatnsfirði 451 Patreksfjörður 456-2044