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Hotel Flókalundur

- Camping

Hótel Flókalundur is a small family-run hotel in Vatnsfjörður, on the south coast of the Westfjords. The hotel was built in 1966 by the Local Region Association Barðstrendingafélagið, but prior to that, a restaurant was in operation on this location since 1961 and Vatnsfjörður has always been a popular visiting place for tourists in the area.

Hotel Flokalundur has 27 single or double bedrooms and one suite. All rooms are equipped with a bathroom.

All rooms are fully furnished and breakfast is included in the price.

One room is accessible by wheelchair.

A small Restaurant is located at Hotel Flokalundur and is open every day from 7:30 till  23:00 for all guests in the area.

A Breakfast Buffet is served from 07:30 till 10:00.

Lunch is served from 11:00 till 14:00 where the Meal of the Day is available, along with a menu of small dishes that can be ordered through the whole day.

Dinner is served off the Dinner Menu from 18:00 till 21:00 with emphasis on fresh seafood, local game and other meat dishes. The Restaurants offers a selection of alcoholic beverages. The bar is open until 23:00.

The Camping Site, with it’s beautiful view over the fjord, is situated close to the Hotel.

On the Camping Site there is ample space for tents and camping trailers.

There is access to electricity and in a Facility Hut there are WC, hot and cold water faucets, showers and facilities for dishwashing.

The Camping Site is open from June 15th till September 10th.

Next to the hotel we have a small fuel station (automatic pumps) and a minimarket that is open between 11:00 and 18:00 during the summer.

Hotel Flókalundur

Hotel Flókalundur

Hótel Flókalundur is a small family-run hotel in Vatnsfjörður, on the south coast of the Westfjords. The hotel was built in 1966 by the Local Region A


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Flókalaug Vatnsfirði 451 Patreksfjörður 456-2044